Lynn's birthday is just a small celebration with the family members from both side. We went to a restaurant serving western food some where nearby our house.
Lynn @ 4 years old1. Getting easier to talk/communicate with her. But she still likes to make me "
nag" a lot. Whenever I ask her to do something, for example brush her teeth, go take bath, keep her books etc. She likes playing a deaf ear with me, always want me to repeat myself many many times. Sometimes until hb also get annoyed and scolded her.
2. Very
slow in doing things. For example she can take a good 15-20 minutes to brush her teeth, in which 10 minutes is spent on looking at the mirror and play talking by herself there, and another 5 minutes playing with the water.
3. Ever since I bought a
Barney DVD for her, she can glu to it every weekend. No more Little MJ fans ever since Barney DVD come into the house.
4. A cheeky child? Love to
bully her brother. Love to make her brother shout loudly. Love to make her brother cries. Love to take away the things from her brother's hand......
5. Although she likes to bully her brother Hao, but she also likes to
take care of him. She will share all her food with him. Each time she asks food from me she will sure get some for her brother. But just not the books and the toys. (Until I have to declare those books are mine!) Likewise for Hao - he will also share the food with Lynn but not the toys. :(
6. Still prefer
meat than vegetables. But manage to persuade her to take more vegetables especially when she sees other kids are taking vegetable too.
7. Still likes to
talk a lot. On the way home after picking up the kids, she will be talking non-stop in the car. Tell me this la that la, or play loudly in the car with Hao. Or if not singing, making noise in the car. She's a noisy kid.
8. Very
clumsy and don't take good care of her belonging. She spoil the rail of one of the drawer (until today I still can't figure how she did it), not to mention the toys and those craft she done in the school. Once come home.... within few days gone case.
9. Although she's diaperless at night,
accidents do happen.
10. Still
sucking thumb! Grrr.... but I found a way how to make her suck less. Still trying to get rid of that completely. I told her, if I see her sucking thumb, then next day no yogurt or vitagen (she loves them and every morning she will ask for it). I said it and I practice it. So after one time, she really make her effort not to suck her thumb.
11. Ever since I introduce
sand art to her, she loves it very much.
12. Like to pretend play she's a
teacher.... like to "lecture" others, telling others cannot do this cannot do that. She even told us she wants to be a teacher! Is it because she was born on Teacher's Day? *shrug*
13. Instead of being shy, now she will
pose for me when I take her picture, give me her sweet sweet smile. ^_^
14. Love
books. Love to read books. Love me or hb reads books for her.
15. Every Saturday and Sunday, she will surely ask me this question "Mama, today
gai-gai?" And then when I bring her out, she will keep on telling me "Mama I like this" "Mama I want this", asking me to buy things for her. I hate to say "No" to her, but I can't be just buy anything that she asks for. The last one I told her "If you be a good girl, don't make mama tells you to do this do that, sayang didi, I will take you come back here to get it for you." And that keep her mouth shut. But of course if she well behave, I will surely and happily bring her back to the shop to buy what she wants for her.
16. Will open the fridge and take the food to eat without asking. Some more will take for her brother too.
Bad example!!! :(
17. Last but not least, Lynn weight at 4 years old is
16kg, and
107 cm tall.