Time flies. Zhe Hao is 5.5 months now. I still can remember very clearly the moment he come out from my stomach in the hospital, the confinement months, how he asked for milk every half to 1 hour, it just seems like not too long ago. However now soon 2 more weeks he will turn 6 months old. Well, though I have been very much looking forward for him to turn 6 months old to start the semi solids (that means I can get to feel a bit relief as once he started the solids he will need less milk, so I don't need to feel so stress not being able to express enough for him during the workdays), but I do wish to have more breastfeed moments with him. He is a very special baby to me. He is different from his sister Lynn, very much different. Sometimes I do feel sorry that I don't spend enough time with him due to the hectic work schedule. I probably give more attention to Lynn when she was still a baby. However back then we don't have another toddler to take care of.
Hao does not gained much weight in the past 1 month. The babysitter always complain me giving too little milk for him. However I don't think so as Hao is on 2 hourly feeding schedule. She cant always compare him to a baby taking formula milk.
First time Hao has some fever after taking his last dose of the 6-in-1 jap. Combined with the flu that he got from his sister earlier on, Hao is rather fussy according to the babysitter. She complained about Lynn spread over the flu to him. To me, falling sick is rather normal and common if one person in the family get sick, the others will fall sick too. Hao took 2 days to recover from the fever. But still have some flu and I heard he started coughing too (sure I will get blamed again from the babysitter next Mon on this).
Weight: 7.5kg
Congratulations! Join Ryan with the semi solid and have fun. I mean real fun when he will literally blow out those that he didn't like, right into your face...Haha...
Hehe, with the experience with Lynn before, I think I'll be smarter this time. :)
But I do eager to find out about his taste, how different compared to his sister.
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